Our Single Seniors Social Club has had outstanding attendance at various functions since Vaccination Passports became mandatory in the fall of 2021.
While outdoor activities had high numbers (golf, picnics, Bocce Ball, walking/hiking as well as patio dining) it wasn’t until we had been double vaccinated that attendance increased two fold to twenty plus members at our dinner and pub functions. These functions were held in a separate room large enough to hold twenty plus members while other venues provided ample space for members to move freely visiting one another although, wearing a mask is now part of our apparel entering and exiting venues.
We had “reunion” type functions’ at Toby’s Pub, Jack London’s Pub and Cheshire Cheese Restaurant as members were anxious to once again socialize, feeling the protection of being double vaccinated.
Fifteen members gathered at Canada Place to view the magnificent Woodward’s Windows and Christmas trees followed by cocktails at the beautifully decorated Christmas themed Pan Pacific Hotel.
Our Christmas Luncheon held at the Beach House in West Vancouver was a wonderful celebration with thirty seven members in attendance and two guests, those being Musicians who have played for us over the years.
The Omicron virus has put a damper on events although we all look forward to the day Dr. Bonnie Henry tells the public we can once again gather indoors. Our January calendar held great promise of fun events but these have been cancelled with only Bocce Ball and walking slated, weather permitting.
Best wishes for 2022. Hopefully, we will open up to social events within a few months, and may the light at the end of the tunnel await us by spring.