Our Singles Club has had a surge in membership! As more men join our club, dancing at The Legion balances out the numbers and everyone is happy with tired feet.
We have had extremely successful autumn and fall activities with continued Concerts in Deep Cove as well as Classical Music Recitals at the Unitarian Church of Vancouver. We had a full summer of golf with weekly Pitch & Putt at Ambleside as well as Central Park and our monthly game at Country Meadows Golf Course in Richmond. Bocce at Ambleside along with various walks rounded out our outdoor activities this summer and fall.
Lunches and dinners continue in their popularity as hosting members tried various restaurants both in Vancouver, Burnaby and the North Shore to accommodate members who didn’t want to drive distances to participate. Bravo Cucina Ristorante in North Vancouver was thoroughly enjoyed by the many who attended and received fantastic service and great food.
A “Sock Party” hosted by a member turned into a night of many laughs and three winners of guess what? Socks!
Adventures within our club this year included two weekends in Whistler hosted by a member with time share options and as well, eight members travelled to Costa Rica for two weeks in November. The trip was a huge success, so planning another International Holiday is already on the minds of those who missed this fantastic vacation.  The happy faces of the Costa Rica gang!
Our Annual Christmas Luncheon at the University Golf Course was as successful this year as it was last with forty plus members attending the wonderful Buffet hosted by the Golf Club.
We are all looking forward to the Vancouver Art Gallery Tour and lunch as well as a Luncheon at the Royal Vancouver Yacht Club this month.
Our Annual AGM and President’s Wine & Cheese party will be another lovely affair at the end of January.